In the latest episode of our Retirement Planning Series, the OPPA’s Executive Officer of Pension and Benefits, Lisa Hillstrom, hosts a conversation with retired OPPA member Stephen Roden about his transition from being a police officer to a retiree. Topics include the OPPA’s Pre-Retirement Seminars, working after retirement, mental health, relationships with family, and the financial implications of retirement.

Listen on media player above or click the image above for links to listen on Google, Apple, Spotify and more platforms.

Active Members of the OPPA who are within 3 years of their earliest unreduced retirement date can register for a Pre-Retirement Seminar by clicking here (login required).

The Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program is available to eligible active and retired OPPA Members:
Telephone – 1-866-794-9117 (Available 24/7)
Email –
Website –

If you have any questions about this episode of the 10-5 Podcast, please email us at