Wall of Honour

The OPPA Board of Directors of 1978 authorized the construction of an Honour Roll in memory of OPP officers who died in the line of duty in the service the people of Ontario.
OPPA Board of Director, 1978
E. J. Wild
Executive Manager
D.F. MacDonald
J.A. McCutchen
R. G. Bingham, D.T. Brown,
B.L. Browning, W.E. Trachsel
Staff Superintendent Geoff Cooper, Criminal Investigation Branch, designed the original plaque. The Dedication Ceremony of the OPP Honour Roll was held on December 4, 1978 at OPP General Headquarters Toronto, Ontario. The Honour Roll was unveiled by Commissioner H.H. Graham and OPPA President E.J. Wild.
The Honour Roll contained forty-six (46) names when it was first erected in 1978.
On September 16, 1995, the Honour Roll was moved from Toronto into the Main Street foyer at the newly opened General Headquarters in Orillia. On that day there were sixty-nine (69) officers named on the Honour Roll.
The OPP Association owns, and is the sole contributor to, the Walls of Honour at GHQ, the Ontario Police College, and our head office in Barrie.
The OPP Association Board of Directors of 2010 made the decision to dedicate a new memorial wall at our head office that would reflect and honour the enormity of the sacrifices our fallen heroes and their families have made. That respect is now proudly displayed by immortalizing their names in granite outside of our head office.
Visitors, staff, and hundreds of our Members who attend head office will be able to spend time and reflect on the names on the new memorial.
On August 20, 2010, thirty-two years after the original wall was dedicated, the re-designed Wall of Honour was unveiled in a ceremony attended by family, friends, and colleagues of those honoured. Tragically, there are now one hundred and five (105) officers named on the Wall of Honour.