Comber - May 3, 1894
Constable Lindsay was just entering the door of the Sellers’ home when he was confronted by Joseph Truskey, a farmer living in Tilbury West, who without warning opened fire. The assassin then fled into the dark and was lost sight of. The wounded man was taken into Dr. Abbott’s office and upon examination it was found that the bullet had entered the abdomen. All was done that could be done to relieve the sufferer. Constable Lindsay passed away as a result of his injuries.
Truskey was taken to Windsor and Magistrate Bartlett fined him for his cruel conduct. Truskey returned home and swore eternal vengeance against the Constable. Lindsay received an anonymous letter warning him to be on the alert, as when he least expected it, Truskey would pounce upon him. Lindsay was always prepared for an emergency but as Truskey had not carried out any of his threats, Lindsay became a little lax and on the night in question, he was unarmed.
Joseph Truskey, the murderer of Constable Lindsay shot himself while being pursued by the officers of the law. He was located in his own woods, concealed under a pile of logs with revolver in hand, defied by the officers. They closed in on him ordering him to hold up his hands. Seeing that he was being overpowered he pointed his revolver to his left breast and fired.
(Excerpts from the Comber Herald – Thursday May 3, 1894 – provided to the OPPA by Constable Lindsay’s great grandson, David Nussey)