- Jun 2, 2024
- Public News
Congratulations Mark Baxter on Re-Election for a Second Three Year Term as President of the Police Association of Ontario

Congratulations to Mark Baxter (pictured), elected to a second three year term of President for the Police Association of Ontario this past week. Congratulations to all of the Harry De Jong Lifetime Service Awards recipients as well as the nominees and winners of the 2024 PAO Police Hero Awards.
Members of the OPP Association Board of Directors were honoured to attend the 92nd Annual meeting and Conference of the Police Association of Ontario hosted by the Windsor Police Association this week.
The event brought together over 150 members of the PAO from 35 Police Associations across Ontario.
Our OPPA delegates had an opportunity to learn and network with colleagues and stakeholders including Solicitor General Michael Kerzner (pictured with Board along with Parliamentary Assistant to the Solicitor General Graham McGregor).
OPPA Vice President David Sabatini (pictured) spoke to the increasing role of Special Constables in policing and specifically the OPP’s Special Constables Committee. The delegates heard updates from the Presidents of the Belleville, Peterborough and Windsor Police Associations regarding their recently ratified contracts.
Presentations were attended on effective social media use, as well as updates from all three oversight agencies,the Law Enforcement Complaints Agency (LECA) formerly OIPRD, the Special Investigations Unit and the Inspector General of the newly created Inspectorate of Policing Inspector General.
At the conference, the PAO announced an improved brand recognition strategy that includes a new logo and digital look, with a new website coming shortly, based on their 2023-2026 PAO Strategic Plan.
Our OPPA delegates took away valuable insight from the Conference and thank all who were involved on the organizing team.
(Photos courtesy of Harry De Jong)