Mindset Matters

Join us on Wednesday, June 5th, from 10:00am EST – 11:00am EST as Jodie Baulkham shares her story, outlining lessons learned and offering tools to move through adversity and build self-awareness to enhance resilience. After her husband was killed in the line of duty when she was 29 years old, Jodie was left to raise her 8-month-old daughter alone, until meeting and marrying her current husband who lives with post-traumatic stress disorder because of his policing duties. Jodie’s daughter, who is now a teenager, lives with obsessive compulsive disorder. Living with and supporting people with mental health challenges is her everyday life. She knows how important it is to take care of yourself so that you can take care of others. She shares her story in her memoir “Choosing My Tomorrow: Surviving Murder, Navigating Mental Health, and Harnessing the Power of Choice.”

Jodie is a compassionate and open-minded life enthusiast who happens to also be a licensed teacher, professional coach, certified Leader Character practitioner, author, and speaker.

Note: To ensure your anonymity, your registration information will ONLY be available to the hosts from Dalton Associates. Registrants will NOT have the option of turning on their camera or microphone at any time. Questions will be managed through the text Q&A which are sent only to the hosts – Dalton Associates. They will either answer those questions verbally without referencing the name of the participant who asked the question, or privately through the text function.

All sessions will be delivered through the PHIPA complaint version of Zoom Webinar.