- May 3, 2024
- Public News
Two OPP Officers to be Added to Ontario Police Memorial at Ceremony Sunday

The 25th Anniversary of the Ontario Police Memorial Foundation Ceremony of Remembrance is happening at the Ontario Police Memorial on Queen’s Park Cr. Toronto on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.
The Reading of the Names (total of 281 names including the 4 added in 2024) will commence at 10am, followed by the March In, the Ceremony at 11 a.m., and a Fly Past by Durham, York and OPP helicopters flying the “missing man” formation at approxmiately 12 p.m. (weather permitting). The formal portion of the event will end with the concluding March Past. A BBQ will be provided for all in attendance immediately following the event.
In 2024, the following names of Ontario police officers will be added to the Ontario Police Memorial:
• Sgt. Eric Mueller, Russell County OPP (2023)
• Det. Cst. Steven Tourangeau, Perth County OPP (2023)
Historical additions:
• Cst Chief Edward Lavery, Prescott Police (1928)
• Det. Sgt. Thomas A Whitelaw, Metro. Toronto (1938)
A livestream of the event will be broadcasted on the Ontario Police Memorial Foundation’s social media channels, X, Facebook, Youtube and LinkedIn. All links for the live broadcasts will be posted to CeremonyofRemembrance.ca/Live.
The following instructions are from OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique:
The parade mustering location and march-off point will be at the northeast quadrant of Queen’s Park Circle between Wellesley and the north end of Queen’s Park. Parade participants are to assemble at this point no later than 9:30 a.m. for an approximate march-off at 10:15 a.m.
The Toronto Police Service, the service of jurisdiction, will have security in place during the ceremony. Due to security road closures, there will be absolutely no vehicle access to this area after 9:00 a.m., so please time your arrivals accordingly.
Ample street parking and parking lots are available within walking distance to the mustering point.
Utilization of force vehicles will be permitted, provided normal operations are not affected. Carpooling is encouraged to ensure as many members as possible can attend the ceremony. While members will be given every opportunity to attend, travel, overtime and other related expenses are not covered by the OPP.
In honour of the Ontario Police Memorial, flags at all OPP locations are to be at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on May 5, 2024.
The Ontario Police Memorial Pin shall be worn during this event.
The order of dress for uniform members attending is Dress Order Number 1. If you do not have Dress Order Number 1, please attend in working uniform. Plain clothes members who choose, may wear business attire. Special Constables and Auxiliary Members should wear Dress Order Number 2. Civilians should wear business attire.
If anyone has any questions feel free to contact:
Scott Mills by email communications@oppa.ca or cell 647-449-2801.