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June is Pride Month and OPP Sergeant and Serving with Pride Director, Ben Cruickshank, is joined by his husband, OPP Provincial Constable John Hill, to talk about “Serving Ontario with Pride and Married to a Cop.” Topics include the positive and negative impacts to their policing careers, information on the organization “Serving with Pride”, the importance of pronouns, “locker room talk”, Pride and Pride Progress Flags, being a cop and being married to a cop, being “out” at work and in the community, and a new segment on the 10-5 podcast we call “three wishes.”

Listen to the podcast on the player above, or on the OPPA blog, or on Google, Apple, Spotify and more by clicking on the image above. 

For more information on Serving with Pride, please visit or contact them at

If you have any questions about this episode of the 10-5 Podcast, please email us at