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Mental Health Awareness and Communication Series
Encompas Mental Health Wellness Program

May 25th and June 22nd, 2022 – 1PM – 215 PM ET

Featuring Dr. Glenn J. Landry, Sleep Expert

About the Speaker:
Glenn Landry has studied circadian rhythms and sleep for over 20 years. He completed his graduate research at Simon Fraser University, exaimining circadian mechanisms of entrainment, supervised by Dr. Ralph Mistlberger and supported by grants from MSFHR and NSERC. He then focused his research efforts on sleep, aging and cognition as a CIHR postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Teresa Liu-Ambrose’s Aging, Mobility, and Cognitive eurosvience Lab at UBC. His research there explored age-related changes in sleep duration, efficiency and architecture that contribute to or accelerate cognitive decline in older adults. As an academic, Glenn’s goal was to develop chronotheapeutic interventions capable of delaying cognitive decline in older adults, with the objective of improving quality of life, productivity, and extending capacity for independent living. Now in private practice, Glenn is a sleep coach. He works with older adults, shift workers, and families to improve physical and mental health throughout better sleep quality by translating sleep science into practical interventions tailored to each client.

About the Second Session of the 3-Part Series:
Elite Sleep #2 – Why Can’t I Sleep?
Having begun our journey with an understanding of what Elite Sleep looks like, and the opportunity to objectively evaluate our sleep health status; we follow up with a deep dive into the drivers of poor sleep health. Participants will learn: (1) The impact of shift work on sleep health and why we’re all shift workers; (2) How sleep changes as a normal course of aging, beginning in our 30’s; and, (3) What our Sleep Accountant does and how drugs (e.g., caffeine, alcohol, CBD, medications and supplements) impact sleep architecture.

To learn more about Dr.Landry and the next session, download the 3-Part Series Information Booklet.

If you missed the first session of this 3-part series, watch the recording here

Visit to learn more.

Note: To ensure your anonymity, your registration information will ONLY be available to the hosts from Dalton Associates. Registrants will NOT have the option of turning on their camera or microphone at any time. Questions will be managed through the text Q&A which are sent only to the hosts – Dalton Associates. They will either answer those questions verbally without referencing the name of the participant who asked the question, or privately through the text function. 

All sessions will be delivered through the PHIPA compliant version of Zoom Webinar.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact