The Ontario Provincial Police Association was represented in Quebec City this week by VP David Sabatini, Directors Lynn Neale, Terri Hubbert, Mike Adair and OPPA Legal Counsel James Girvin at the 2024 Canadian Police Association Biennial Meeting.

The CPA is the country’s largest policing advocacy organization in Canada, and welcomed delegates representing close to 60,000 civilian+sworn members from across Canada.

National and International delegates in attendance shared valuable information on a number of topics to assist us in representing our Members here in Ontario.

VP Sabatini updated the delegates on the new OPPA Civilian and Collective Agreements and James Girvin was part of a legal panel and spoke about body worn cameras.

Key takeaways for our OPPA delegates were insights on electric vehicles, mental health, and strategies for recruitment and retention of sworn and civilian Members.

VP Sabatini was honoured to be the Master of Ceremonies for the CPA President’s Dinner and Awards of Excellence along with the 1st Vice President of the Association des policiers provinciaux du Quebec Dominic Roberge.

Thank you to CPA President Tom Stamatakis and his team and the host Quebec Police Associations for this valuable opportunity to learn from and network with our Police Association colleagues from across Canada and beyond.